Point of Sale Apps 3344 Apps found. category: Point of Sale ×

This module allow user to direct login into point of sale.

POS Direct Login (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Direct Login from POS

POS Direct Login (Enterprise)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Quick POS Login Without Backend Point Of Sale Login POS Screen Login POS Session Login Point Of Sales Direct POS Login POS Sign In POS Signin Direct Sign In POS Access Direct Redirect To POS Screen Point Of Sale Session Login Odoo

POS Direct Login Without Odoo Backend
Softhealer Technologies

Using this module you can direct login in to POS without using Backend and this module is Compatible with website.

POS Direct Login Without Odoo Backend - with website Compatible

POS Direct login allows you to directly login to POS screen without going backend.

POS Direct login

Disable POS access, Disable POS Features like Payment, Quantity, Discount, Edit Price, Remove Orderline, Manual Customer Selection and Plus and Minus qty, POS Permissions Access Control for Point of Sale Roles in POS Security Settings for POS,POS Disable Buttons, POS Access Rights, POS Buttons Access, Allow/Disable payments, Allow/Disable add product, Allow/Disable delete, Allow/Disable price, Allow/Disable discount, Allow/Disable quantity, Control access to the POS payments, Control access to the POS quantity, Control access to the POS delete, Control access to the POS price, Control access to the POS add product' Role-Based POS Access Point of Sale Authorization Privileges for POS Access Rights Configuration Role-Based POS Restrictions, POS Access Management POS Security Permission Levels in Point of Sale,POS Disable Buttons, POS Access Rights, POS Buttons Access, Allow/Disable payments, Allow/Disable add product, All In One POS Access Management, Allow/Disable delete, Allow/Disable price, Allow/Disable discount, Allow/Disable quantity, Control access to the POS payments,POS Disable Refund Button, Control access to the POS quantity, Control access to the POS delete, This apps helps you to Allow/Disable POS Features like Discount, Change Price, Payment, Quantity, Remove Orderline | Allow/Disable pos features, Restriction of POS | POS Access Rules | Point of Sale Access Rights | Allow/Disable POS Features Point of Sales Access rightsControl access to the POS price, Control access to the POS add product POS Role Assignment Secure POS Access Customizable Access Controls for POS POS Extra Access Rights, Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons, POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Price POS Access Rights Odoo.

POS Disable Buttons
Khaled Hassan

POS Cashier Change Restriction, pos change cashier restrict, pos cashier, pos cashier disable, cashier disable,Disable Change Cashier, disable the button that allow to switch cashiers,pos cashier security, pos cashier access control, pos cashier

POS Disable Cashier Change
Khaled Hassan

POS Disable Close Session Button By access rights

POS Disable Close Session Button By access rights
Ahmed Elmahdi

POS Disable Close Session Buttons By access rights in employee

POS Disable Close Session Buttons By access rights in hr employee
Ahmed Elmahdi

POS Disable Delete Order By access rights in hr employee

POS Disable Delete Order By access rights in hr employee
Ahmed Elmahdi

Disable Refund & Close Session Buttons By access rights

POS Disable Refund & Close Session Buttons By access rights
Ahmed Elmahdi

POS Disable Refund Button By access rights in hr employee

POS Disable Refund Button By access rights in hr employee
Ahmed Elmahdi

POS Disable Refund Button

POS Disable Refund Buttons By access rights
Ahmed Elmahdi

POS Disable Refund for users, enable refund for pos adminstrator, disable refund for pos users, Restrict POS Refund, Pos refund restriction, hide refund button, return restriction in odoo pos, refund restriction in pos, return restriction in odoo pos, restrict refund in pos odoo POS Hide Refund button on pos hide refund button on point of sales hide refund button point of sale hide refund button hide refund on pos hide refund on point of sales hide information invisible pos refund button invisible refund button on point od sales,restrict refund on pos shop | Restrict POS Refund | POS Refund POS refund manager

POS Disable Refund For POS Users | POS Enable Refund For POS Managers
Khaled Hassan

Point of Sale Discard Orders on pos delete order pos delete cart order pos clear cart on pos remove cart order point of sale delete order point of sale clear cart option point of sales Discard Order on point of sales delete order on pos order discard pos

POS Discard Orders | POS Delete Cart Order

This module allows user to quickly discard product from the stock.

POS Discard Product (Community)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows user to quickly discard product from the stock.

POS Discard Product (Enterprise)
Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Created by CREA8S (http://wwww.crea8s.com/) This module help us can make a discount for total amount in POS Order

POS Discount

Get Affiliate commission when company applies global discount on POS

POS Discount & Affiliate Management
POS Discount Amount Display
TL Technology